
30 Rock returns!

Great Thursday night TV!

Aside from 'The Office' ... Snoozer, I agree ...

Kates and I eagerly looked forward to last night's "30 Rock" return, which didn't disappoint ...

And Grey's Anatomy, for the first time in a long time, tugged at our hearts while throwing in some, good, quirky, adorable fun at the same time. It was almost like watching a Season One episode again ...

Here's some good reads about "30 Rock" ...
a Tina Fey Returns to Her Thursday Night Not-So-Live Gig
a '30 Rock' tilts at success with Fey's high profile
a '30 Rock' still on a roll as third season begins
a Tina Fey goes back to her day job: The delightful '30 Rock'
a 30 reasons you should watch '30 Rock'

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