


They told us it was going to be a memorable ''Housewives." And for once, they weren't lyin' ...

Somehow I sensed Nora was gonna get it. I mean she was a witch, but she didn't deserve to go like that. The final exchange between her and Lynette was touching ...

Lynette continues to be, by far, my favorite character ...

Best line of the night: Edie to Harvey Bigsby whose gun-wielding wife is waiting for him on the other side of the door. “Sometimes you just gotta take one for the team!”

Best scene: Carlos gleefully revving up a chainsaw to continue the unforgiving destruction of his and Gabby’s belongings while Gabby stands at their door with a dumbfounded Mrs. McCluskey … followed by Bree serving up appetizers to the neighborhood as they gather to watch coverage of the supermarket hostage situation on TV ...

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