
The weekend in pictures

It was cold, rainy and gloomy, but glorious. My return 'home' to NWMSU for the Homecoming weekend and centennial celebration. Got to see a few people I had missed and thought about often since I left there. Got to relive a lot of golden memories. Got to spend a lot of money ...

The craziest thing was knowing how many years I'd been away, but feeling like I hadn't left. Through the Saturday morning parade, a stroll through Wells Hall, watching a Bearcat win with good friends, a filling dinner at A&Gs and a small gathering with friends and alcohol afterward, it seemed like just another weekend at Northwest ...

Guess the old saying really is true: 'Once a Bearcat, always a Bearcat!' ...

Here's a sample of the weekend in pictures, starting with the Administration Building. The most picturesque and one of my favorite points of the campus ...

A float to mark the centennial celebration ...

Another float ...

The new centennial statue ... It shows a college student of today on the left and a student from 100 years ago on the right ...

The start to a raucous Bearcat football game ...

And a new stadium to boot. See the memories. 1998 and 1999. Yep, those were good years ...

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